Home 9 Visual Interventions 9 A Bird’s Meditation : The Art of Being Here

Symbolizing a moment of and presence.

The Visual Intervention (Received in 2010 – Near Washington, ) presents a lone bird perched with poise on a slender branch. The bird, cloaked in shades of russet and chocolate brown, embodies stillness amidst the dappled light filtering through the forest canopy. The serene setting evokes a sense of mindfulness, a moment of tranquil observation in the bird’s otherwise fleeting . Its unwavering gaze and the delicate on the twig remind us of the importance of being . The blurred background, with its myriad of colors, contrasts with the sharp focus on the bird, mirroring the human practice of mindfulness where the chaos of thought is blurred into the background as one focuses on the now.

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