Home 9 Visual Interventions 9 Be Like the Sun : Embrace Non-Judgment and Spread Warmth

Discover the story of the sun that shines equally on everyone, teaching us the powerful lesson of treating all with kindness and respect. the warmth within you and up the around you.

About The Visual Intervention

Received the Visual Intervention in 2016 – Avon, .

The Unbiased Sun : A Parable of Universal Kindness

Once upon a time, in a world not so different from our own, there was a sun that shone brightly in the . This sun was unique, not because of its size or brightness, but because of its unwavering commitment to shine equally on everyone. It didn’t matter who you were, where you came from, or what your circumstances were; the sun’s warmth and light touched every being with the same gentle embrace.

One day, a traveler named Sam walked through a vast landscape, feeling the sun’s rays on his skin. As Sam journeyed, they encountered many different people. There were farmers tending to their crops, children playing by the riverside, and elders resting under the shade of ancient trees. Despite their differences, they all shared one common experience: the sun’s warmth.

Curious, Sam approached the sun and asked, “Why do you shine equally on everyone? Some people are good, some are not. Some work hard, while others do little. Shouldn’t you choose who deserves your light?”

The sun, with a gentle glow, replied, “My purpose is to give light and warmth to all, without judgment. By shining equally, I remind everyone of the inherent value and potential within them. It’s not my place to judge who deserves light; instead, my role is to encourage growth and connection.”

Sam pondered this and continued his , observing how the sun’s impartial light brought to everything it touched. The fields blossomed with crops, the rivers sparkled with vitality, and communities thrived under the sun’s watchful gaze. In every corner of the land, the sun’s lesson of took root.

In one village, a young girl named Lily noticed how the sun shone on both the wealthy and the poor, the happy and the sad. Inspired, she decided to emulate the sun’s kindness in her own life. Lily began treating everyone she met with the same respect and kindness, regardless of their background or behavior. Her actions sparked a change, and soon, others in the village followed her example.

Years passed, and Lily’s village became a beacon of harmony and mutual respect. People helped each other selflessly, shared resources, and celebrated their differences. They learned that, just like the sun’s rays, kindness and respect could nurture a thriving, supportive community.

The story of the unbiased sun spread far and wide, inspiring many to look beyond superficial differences and embrace the universal truth of kindness. People realized that by treating everyone with the same warmth and respect, they could create a world where everyone had the chance to flourish.

So, the next time you feel the sun’s rays on your skin, remember the lesson of the unbiased sun. Let it remind you that true value lies in treating everyone with the same kindness and respect. Embrace the light within you, and shine it equally on all those you meet, creating a lifescape of compassion and connection.

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Email : jamie@starlingphotography.com

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