Home 9 Visual Interventions 9 Day At The Beach : On A Cold Winters Day

Day At The Beach

On A Cold Winters Day

This goes back to around December 2003 in Hampton, New Hampshire.

In this moment received, the vastness of the sea meets the transient of the skies. The horizon, barely distinguishable, blurs where the water’s edge kisses the firmament. The clouds, heavy and brooding, paint a scene of contemplative solitude over the cold, seaweed-strewn shore. A solitary bird wings across this expanse, free from the earth’s hold, embodying the unburdened spirit. It is a scene not of desolation, but of profound depth, where the elements converge in a symphony of , inviting on the boundless simplicity that lies at the heart of existence. Here, amidst the cool of a winter’s day, the spirit finds a mirror in the stillness of the .

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