is about more than just fitting in; it’s about embracing our true selves. Join me on my journey of self-discovery as I drop the armor, speak my truth, and share my . Together, we can move the charades and find deeper meaning.

The Power of Sharing: Embracing My Spiritual Side

There is a certain in seeing life as it is and sharing our true selves with the world. For most of my life, I’ve hidden a significant part of myself—my deeper spiritual side. Growing up in a very Christian family and community, where my grandfather even built the church, there were unsaid expectations that I struggled to meet. While I respect those beliefs, they never quite resonated with me. I had too many unanswered questions and a feeling that something was missing.

To make life easier, I went along with the charades, pretending to fit in. I think many of us do this, getting caught up in the roles we feel we must play. Over time, I shut down, believing that what I had to say wasn’t valuable because it didn’t align with the dominant beliefs around me. My attempts to share my experiences and insights often fell on deaf ears or were not well received, so I stopped trying.

The Turning Point

This all changed in December 2023 when I attended a spiritual retreat in Madeira. It was a week-long experience that I entered without a clear understanding of what to expect. The retreat turned out to be transformative, offering me new perspectives on life and spirituality. One of the most profound insights I received was a vision for this website and a calling to share my experiences and insights with others.

When the spirit or divine gives you something, it’s often not the complete . It’s just a starting point, a path to follow. It takes courage to embark on this journey without knowing the end, but that’s where growth happens. If we knew the entire journey from the start, it would not only take away the excitement but might also deter us from starting at all.

Initially, I thought the website would be a place to share the photographs I had received. But as I delved deeper, I realized that I had valuable insights and experiences to share as well. Over the past eight months, I’ve had numerous experiences that have led me to understand the importance of sharing my truth.

The Pressure to Share

Recently, I’ve felt an intense pressure building inside me, manifesting as stress and anxiety. I would wake up in the middle of the night with a feeling of weight on my chest. After ensuring it wasn’t a health issue, I realized this pressure was a sign. It was the energy of unexpressed truth, building up and causing a blockage.

In some of the talks I give, I liken myself to drinking from a fire hydrant—once the information starts flowing, it can be overwhelming. This pressure felt like the hydrant was clogged and backing up. The realization hit me during one of my evening bike rides, a time I humorously refer to as my raid on Beaufort. It became clear that I needed to drop my armor and share my truth. I had to embrace my role as a messenger.

Embracing My Role

Over time, I have received over 80,000 images and written countless pages. The weight of this unshared content was immense. Speaking my truth meant acknowledging that I couldn’t keep trying to walk the middle line to avoid upsetting anyone. We live in a world of duality, and sharing my experiences might challenge some, but it is necessary.

The cork has been removed. I am here to share what has been shared with me, hoping that it will help others see the bigger picture and move beyond the charades we often play. It’s time to embrace the role I’ve been given and share my truth with the world.

Moving Forward

This journey is about more than just sharing my insights; it’s about encouraging others to do the same. To drop their armor, speak their truth, and embrace their roles, whatever they may be. We all have unique experiences and insights that can contribute to a greater understanding and collective healing.

By sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others to step into their true selves and share their unique gifts with the world. Together, we can create a more authentic and connected world, where each person feels valued and heard.

Life is a Journey of Discovery

Life is a journey of discovery, and sometimes that means stepping out of our comfort zones and sharing the parts of we’ve kept hidden. By embracing my spiritual side and sharing my truth, I hope to inspire others to do the same. We all have something valuable to offer, and by coming together and sharing our experiences, we can create a more understanding and compassionate world. The cork has been removed, and the journey continues. Let’s see where it leads.

Join the Journey : Sign Up for My Newsletter

Are you on a of and exploration? Do you seek insights and practical wisdom to transform your and deepen your of the ? Join the Conscious Collective Community by signing up for my newsletter!

I am not sure where this journey will take us, but for now, you will receive a daily digest of my blog posts. Let’s explore the of conscious change together!

I’m also open to connecting through podcasts, interviews, or just having meaningful conversations. If you’re interested in diving deeper into these topics or collaborating in any way, feel free to reach out. Let’s walk this path together in whichever way resonates most.

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By joining my newsletter, you'll receive regular updates, insightful articles, upcoming events, and exclusive resources to support your journey of self-discovery, spiritual exploration, and transformative growth. Let's embark on this path together and make meaningful, conscious changes in our lives and the world around us.

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