As the sun sets over Beaufort, , the marina becomes a harbor of , where the day’s end ushers in a time of rest and contemplation for the voyagers anchored within its .

About The Visual Intervention

Received the Visual Intervention in 2022 – Beaufort, North Carolina.

The tranquil Beaufort marina at , with boats moored for the night, conjures a sense of reflection and rest. It is a time when the bustle of the day gives way to the stillness of the evening, and people take a moment to pause and reflect on the day’s events. The harbor serves as a metaphor for a safe haven or a resting place in ‘s —a space to gather one’s thoughts, to take stock, and to prepare for what lies ahead.

The calming interplay of and shadow as the sun dips below the horizon, casting a soft glow that silhouettes the masts and hulls of the boats. The reflections on the water add a contemplative quality to the scene, with the ripples suggesting the gentle, introspective ruminations that accompany the end of a day. The subdued lighting and the framing of the vessels in the harbor evoke a feeling of coziness and protection, reminding us of the comfort found in familiar surroundings and the that comes with taking time to slow down and simply be.

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