Home 9 Perspectives 9 Insights from a Spiritual Explorer : Beyond Cliches

In the serene of a sunset over the ocean, I find clarity and a connection to my true self. It reminds me to move superficial spiritual phrases and embrace the authenticity of my own journey.

The Calling of the Sunset

Received the Visual Intervention in 2017 – Cambria, California.

The tranquil beauty of a sunset over the ocean has always called to my spirit. As the sky transitions from vibrant oranges to deep purples, I am reminded of the countless lifescapes we each navigate. It’s in these moments of serene beauty that I find clarity and connection to my true self.

There are so many cliche words when it comes to our spiritualism. Comments like, “You’re a spirit being having a human experience.” How many times have you heard or read that? People say these nonsense phrases to sound like they know what they’re saying but have no idea because they are just copying other people’s words. It’s essential to our journey to be our authentic selves and not be carbon copies of what we’ve read or studied.

I’ve walked the path of spiritual exploration for many years, seeking deeper insights and . Along the way, I’ve encountered countless expressions and sayings that, while well-intentioned, often feel hollow and repetitive. Phrases like “You’re a spirit being having a human experience” have become so commonplace that their true meaning is often lost. They are echoed by many who may not fully grasp the depth behind the words, repeating them more out of habit than understanding.

In my own journey, I’ve realized the importance of moving beyond these superficial statements. True spiritual comes from authenticity—being genuine in our experiences, thoughts, and expressions. It’s not about mimicking what others say or do, but about discovering and embracing our unique paths.

One of my most profound experiences of this came during a trip to the central California coast. As I stood on the cliff’s edge, watching the sun sink into the horizon, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. The crashing waves below, the soft hues of the , and the cool breeze on my face all came together to create a moment of pure presence. It was in this silence that I heard the calling of my own soul, urging me to live authentically and fully.

This calling is something we all have within us. It’s a gentle nudge from our inner guide, reminding us to honor our true selves. When we listen to this calling, we begin to break free from the constraints of societal expectations and external influences. We start to live from a place of truth and integrity, creating a lifescape that is uniquely our own.

For me, this has meant integrating my love for technology, , and into my spiritual practice. Each photo I receive, like the sunset over the ocean above, is a reflection of a moment in time—a piece of my journey that I share with the world. These images are not just pictures; they are expressions of my soul, captured in the delicate balance of light and shadow.

As I continue to explore and grow, I am constantly reminded of the importance of being true to oneself. It’s not always easy, and there are times when I fall back into old patterns of conformity. But each time I return to my authentic self, I find a deeper connection to the world around me and to the people I guide.

My message to you is this: embrace your uniqueness. Let go of the need to fit into preconceived notions of what a spiritual journey should look like. Instead, listen to the calling of your own soul and follow it with courage and compassion. Your path is yours alone, and it is beautiful in its authenticity.

May the light of the setting sun remind you of the endless possibilities that lie ahead, and may you find in the journey of discovering your true self.

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Email : jamie@starlingphotography.com

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