The ephemeral grace of nature's own artwork, reminding us to treasure the fleeting moments that create the experiences of our lives.

About The Visual Intervention

Received the Visual Intervention in 2022 – Beaufort, North Carolina.

The clouds are delicately painted across the in soft, wispy strokes against the blue sky gives a sense of fleeting . The clouds catch the fading of the day, emphasizing the transient nature of the moment. Each cloud formation is unique and will never be the same again, much like the singular moments that make up our lives.

With the gentle gradation of colors from the rich blues to the warm glow of the sun's dying light. It shows but a brief interlude in the day that stands as a metaphor for the impermanent yet impactful experiences that shape our existence. The clouds appear almost like brush strokes, reinforcing the idea that our lives are composed of a series of fleeting, graceful moments that, when pieced together, create the masterpiece that is our 's journey. This visual representation of the skies reminds us to appreciate the , the here and now, because it is as ephemeral as the ever-changing shapes in the sky.

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