Life's endings are simply the start of new beginnings, a cycle of renewal that is as constant as the tides.

About The Visual Intervention

Received the Visual Intervention in 2022 – Cape Lookout, North Carolina.

The vibrant sunset colors splashed across the , signaling the day's end, are a daily reminder of life's constant cycle of closing and renewal. The end of the day does not just represent a conclusion, but also the promise of another rise, another chance to begin anew. It encapsulates the fleeting nature of moments, encouraging us to cherish the beauty in the now, as it will soon be replaced by the dawn of a new day.

The stark silhouette of the dunes against the fiery sky, which creates a strong visual contrast between the day's last and the approaching night. The way the dying light touches the clouds, setting them ablaze with color, speaks to the impact of final moments and their lingering beauty. The scene also suggests a on the cyclical patterns of life, where every ending is merely a prelude to a new beginning, and every darkness eventually gives way to light. The is a powerful metaphor for optimism and the endless possibilities that lie in the horizon, where each sunset is not a farewell but an introduction to the future's potential.

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