Home 9 Visual Interventions 9 The Enduring Human Struggle Against The Feeling Of Insignificance

The of our eternal struggle against the feeling of insignificance, urging us to stand tall against the towering pressures of existence.

About The Visual Intervention

Received this Visual Intervention in 2012 – Arizona.

The towering, rugged cliffs, monumental and seemingly insurmountable, stand as symbols of the colossal and obstacles we face. They represent the external pressures of that loom large over our daily existence—be they personal, professional, or societal expectations.

In contrast, the barren, open space at the foot of these cliffs might represent the isolation one might feel when contemplating the journey ahead. It's a visualization of the internal battle we wage to find our place in the , to carve out a niche within the immensity of existence. The monochromatic tones of the strip away the distractions of the world, focusing our gaze on the stark reality of our individual quests. Just as the cliffs have been shaped and worn by time, so too are we molded by the experiences and trials that life presents us. The image is a stark reminder of our smallness against the backdrop of the universe, yet it also highlights the and dignity of persevering and standing tall amidst the forces that threaten to erode our resolve.

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